Are You Living With Chronic Pain?
The Future of Pain Management Through Rolfing Structural Integration
Pain is one of the leading ailments plaguing the United States in which Americans dump billions of dollars in treating each year. At one point or another, whether it is acute or chronic, virtually everyone has suffered from some form of pain. This causes many of our friends and family members a great deal of stress within their personal, social and professional lives. Many people with chronic pain suffer for several years or even decades.
Chronic pain can be taxing on an individual’s overall wellbeing. It can be debilitating and depressing, but it does not have to be a life sentence. When people have pain they typically go to a doctor. More often than not, doctor visits end up with only a few options such as painkillers, muscle relaxers, and at times, even surgery. But this doesn’t have to be the case. For over 60 years Rolf Structural Integration (SI) has been an alternative option to relieving short and long-term pain. Rolf SI looks at the cause and not just the symptoms. Rolfing is a unique form of body and movement therapy that is specifically designed to correct the body’s long standing patterns of holding and strain to restore the body’s alignment in gravity.
When you have chronic pain, it is a good indicator that your body is out of alignment with gravity, fighting itself and creating chronic strain. Once pain becomes chronic, the cause is no longer one specific issue nor area. Instead, the entire body has become out of alignment, first compensating for the pain and now fighting itself. To solve chronic pain, you cannot chase the symptom. You need to correct the body’s misalignment and reeducate how the body moves so it no longer is able to stand taller with ease, and the binding and holding in your body can relax, allowing to finally surrender the pain it has been binding against.
Take action and regain control over your body.